


Patriotism is a love of and loyalty to one's country. A patriot is someone who loves, supports, and is prepared to serve their country.

The following is part of an article by Chief Crowson who is an Information Systems Technician for the Navy Reserve and is currently serving on active duty as Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command in New Orleans, LA.:

Are You A Patriot?
                 (March 13, 2008)

USA as flag

Today I ask a question again, "Are you a patriot?" Have you ever stopped to consider it? Do you really know what the word, patriot, means?

According to the word patriot is defined as follows:

Pa - tri - ot : noun 1. A person who loves, supports and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion 2. A person who regards himself or herself as a defender, esp. of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.

Let's explore these two ideas a little more, shall we?

Do you have to be a soldier willing to give your life in battle to be a patriot? No, you don't. Of course there are quite a few patriots who fill the ranks of our military but that doesn't mean that you can't love and defend your country in other ways. Do you support your military? By that I mean the men and women who serve. Do you vote? Do you do your best to live your life in accordance with the laws of this great country and try to teach your children to do the same? Do you hold this nation above all others? (If not, please feel free to immigrate to your favorite nation of choice.) There are many ways to "support and defend" that don't involve military service.

In regard to definition number two, do you think that means armed rebellion? Of course those who fought to create this great nation had to do that but that doesn't mean that is the only course, especially today. We have the power to change our government with our votes and our influence. Have you seen something the government has done wrong? Did you do anything about it? Did you tell someone? Did you write your Congressmen and women? Did you start or join a grass roots organization to stump for an issue? Did you vote for someone who you believe will right the wrong in question rather than the one who was involved but has been in Congress forever? If not, why not? Don't believe you can make a difference alone? Maybe, maybe not, but if you pull together with those who share the same opinion you can move mountains



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